The Nukes will stay at zero until you are pretty far along Hearts of Iron III’s massive tech tree. Starting at the top of the right half and working down, the column on the left (in the blue rectangle) shows our resources, supplies, money, fuel and their daily rates of change. For now, lets look at the right half of the window. The yellow square is the main building queue, and below that, in the green square, are requests coming in from theatre commanders. The seven buttons below access the building of non-traditional weapons, industry, convoys, and so on. These allow you to command air and sea forces, which can only be operated within a certain range from their base. The three buttons beneath them, respectively: open menus to buy individual brigades, or air and navy bases. In the orange square (see screenshot) we have buttons to open menus to build land, air, and sea divisions. There is a lot to sink our teeth into here, so let’s start at the top left frame and work down.